Monday, 12 November 2012

Tom Gates Tour - Part Two

I set off at the end of September for the Tom Gates
Book Tour for a couple of weeks 
and visited LOADS of fantastic libraries - schools and festivals.

The children (as ever) did some wonderful drawings and doodles.
Questions asked:
How old are you? 
(How old do you think?... answers varied from 83 to 33)
Why did you start writing? 
(So I could illustrate my own stories.)
Where do you get your ideas from? 
(EVERYWHERE... remembering my childhood, funny stories from friends and family too.)

It's been all go.
Here's photos from the tour below.
Paul Stewart and Chris Riddell do
their VERY funny talk at
 Read To Inspire. 

Chris Riddell drawing for the
 Read To Inspire
talk we did to teachers at the
University Of Brighton.
I was VERY intimidated to be
drawing in front of Chris!!
Not scary at all...

The ladies from my Wadhurst Library sessions.
25th September.

Morriston Comprehensive 27th September
School Swansea have posters!
School session The Hive Worcester.

Summer Reading Challenge prize
giving at Worcester -
The Hive Library 3rd October

Talking to Illustration/Graphic
students at The Hive. 

Dinner with Margret Pemberton, Catherine,
Melanie McGillowy Anne Gibson and
John McLay (Bath Festival Organiser)
in Bristol.
Churchill Academy - with Melanie who made fantastic
brownies! She also does a great blog called

Look at the great doodle Emily did!

Posters and a Tom Gates display.

These shoes were painted on a school wall 
(I can't remember which one!)

I was a PRIZE at Backwell School. We had a very
nice lunch and it was fun chatting to
the kids, asking them what funny stories
THEY had about school.

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